Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Chicks Rule

        What do you want from me? 'Cause I can just say it. I can just come out and say the truth real hard. I'm watching America's Got Talent. I'm into it. I'm eating Ramen Noodles. Not even the cup with pretend veggies. Don't look at me like you've never caved. I'm just guiltying the crap out of these pleasures.
But I have been up to things. I swear.
When we decided to start Mom friend, we wanted it to be more than recipes. We want to share our daily lives and all of our crazy phases that we go through. We cycle through all sorts of interests and hobbies. There is never a dull moment with these girls. I love it. I could call Heika any day and say, "Hey, lets try kayaking." She wouldn't skip a beat with her response, "I'm about it." Next thing you know, she's at my door with a cooler kayak than me. Truth.
Anyways, I've been into some new things. They have feathers and beaks but they are not the all-too-trendy- owls. They are strange, nervous, silly and sweet chickens.


Look at these Birds. Here is me with baby Regina, Peach, Gretchen, Penny, Paula Dean, and Cinnamon. Look at Heik with Gretchen. Love it.

My Dad was so great about building the Coop.
I showed him what I wanted from pictures online and
He just made it happen.

Oh Regina. Getting so big. 

The girls were finally big enough to go outside into their new home!
Here they are today. Big girls with big personalities. 
Miss Peach


Penny and Peach together. These were our two additional Girls

Paula Dean

Dumb Gretchen. She's a little slow. 

My Girls. Left to Right: Lilliana (my daughter), Regina (Special  Black),  Penny (Brown),  Peach (Brown),  Gretchen (Barred Rock), Paula Dean (white leghorn), and Cinnamon (Cinnamon Queen). 

Quick background: My cousin, Angela, needed a new home for her 7 hens and my awesome in-laws took them, gave them an amazing home, and spoiled them rotten. Spring came and chicks were everywhere. They talked about getting some and my husband wanted some too. We lived at my parents' lake house at the time and my dad agreed to let us have some there. I agreed to 2 chicks. Jordan raised me to 3 and then we decided on four, so each would have a friend. A day later, my dad was up and saw them and made a comment, "You know, I really like eggs." And with that, Penny and Peach joined our flock, giving us 6. We raised them from day old chicks and played with them everyday to make them friendly. They showed their personalities right away. My dad and I made them a home that is perfect for them and they have been such a sweet pleasure to watch. Since then, we moved into town, but I'm still there 1 to 2 times a day to see them and give them treats.

These girls are so my "thing" lately. I love seeing them walk around. They make me smile. So there it is. I said it. I ate a crappy dinner and missed my pet chickens. Deal.
Can't wait to hear what you've been up to this week!

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